Broward Wash House offers free dry cleaning to the unemployed in Fort Lauderdale

Broward Wash House Laundromat’s owner John O’Brien has found a new way to make a little extra contribution to society, reports the Sun Sentinel. He will clean any outfit that an unemployed person might need for a job interview, for free.

Broward Wash House Laundromat’s owner John O’Brien has found a new way to make a little extra contribution to society, reports the Sun Sentinel. He will clean any outfit that an unemployed person might need for a job interview, for free.

O’Brien doesn’t require any proof from the unemployed. The worker-to-be simply has to walk in and ask, which is exactly what about 50 people have done, so far. “I decided, let me make sure you look good if you go on a job interview,” O’Brien said. “That’s an easy thing for me to do.” O’Brien, who owns 17 other laundry sites in South Florida, came up with the idea more than a year ago, when he realized that a lot of his customers were unemployed or struggling. Ben Gottlieb, president of the Florida Coin Laundry Association, complements O’Brien on his generosity. “I’ve never heard of anyone doing that,” said Gottlieb, whose organization has about 160 members. “They’re going way beyond and above what’s expected. That’s just awesome.” Read more on,0,3664408.story.

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