CINET; PTC Expert appreciation!

Over the last couple of years CINET is building up a Global Network of experts in Professional Textile Care. Meanwhile over 1000 experts have been identified to exchange information using the extensive CINET database and to receive the CINET

Over the last couple of years CINET is building up a Global Network of experts in Professional Textile Care. Meanwhile over 1000 experts have been identified to exchange information using the extensive CINET database and to receive the CINET Newsletter weekly.

Last week Mr. William Lau and Mrs. Wu Wing Chiet of the Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts, have been provided with a CINET Pin, to express CINET appreciation for their expertise and ability to bring the professional textile care of Shangri-La to the highest standards meeting guest expectations. The pin was handed over by CINET CEO Mr. Peter Wennekes during the Shangri-La Laundry Certification Programme 2014 February last.


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