CINET; Over 50% growth in PTC markets next 10 years!

Based upon the publication “The World of PTC Volume 2: Market Characteristics & Trends” (2014). Mature markets will grow by further penetration in new market segments, but certainly also by offering a “Total solution” in textile seCINET; the international umbrella organization for the global professional textile care (PTC) industry. This is based upon an extensive market studies, laid down in the publication “The World of PTC Volume 2: Market Characteristics & Trends” (2014). Mature markets will grow by further penetration in new market segments, but certainly also by offering a “Total solution” for a more specialized market demand in textile services. Emerging markets will grow because of economic & demographic trends, adopting higher quality & services in more professional retail & industrialized laundries. CINET supports this development by a vast database of knowledge & expertise via a dedicated website, organisation of conferences & workshops, publications of books, providing E-learning educational materials (10 languages) & webinars. Additionally yearly international market research & technology projects are initiated to stimulate implementation of the latest technologies in high quality & sustainable processing.

Working Groups
For this purpose CINET organizes working group meetings to exchange information, set topics and priorities, discuss projects and value results. These Working Groups varies in subjects. The different Working groups are Research & Technology, Best Practices, Marketing & PR, Care Labelling, Certification, E-Learning, and Innovation.

The World of PTC: Volume 3 Innovations & New Technologies
Innovations and new technologies is the third volume in the CINET book series: “The World of PTC”. This publication will contain the latest innovations and development of the international textile care industry. The book be dedicated to the technological innovation of equipment, chemicals, automation, ICT systems, textiles and energy generation. This book will be introduced in a special meeting April 15 in Atlanta USA.

Volume 4 of the book series world of PTC will be dedicated to innovative developments in logistics, ICT & online developments and service concepts. The book will be launched October/November 2015.

E-Learning programs
The E-Learning programs are important to for the development of knowledge and skills of the professional textile care industry. Therefore CINET aim on updating and optimising the E-Learning programs. E-Finish will show hands on information about customer oriented finishing and E-WetClean will contain the specific information on Wetcleaning technology and knowledge.

For the textile service industry a new program E-industrial Laundry is set-up. Providing basic information for laundry operators and managers and more in depth information for laundry managers. The e-learning program will be set up according an more interactive and thematic approach using video and animations. To meet the level of the participants the training program is divided in three levels C: The basic principles, B: Best practice operation and A: Operational excellence.

CINET profile 2015-2016
CINET published earlier this year the Profile 2015-2016 action plan. This document provides an overview of CINET projects and activities, as well as CINET conferences, workshops and company visits worldwide.

The International Committee of Textile Care (CINET), is the umbrella organization pooling national textile care associations, research institutes, suppliers and PTC professionals worldwide. CINET’s international mission is to build a Global Network of industry experts and represent and promote the textile care industry. The global partnership of CINET represents some 70 organizations, 175 liaisons and a global network of over 1750 industry experts.

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